The Gregorc Style Delineator
After learning about memory and thinking, Mr. Peter Anthony gave us the Gregorc Style Delineator. The purpose of the Style Delineator is to analyze our mental qualities that are used to make decisions in our lives; therefore, it can also help us understand ourselves and the environments better than before.
There are four types of personalities given; Concrete Sequential, Abstract Sequential, Abstract Random, and Concrete Random. After finishing the test, my scores were
- Concrete Sequential: 19
- Abstract Sequential: 25
- Abstract Random: 29
- Concrete Random: 27

My score shows that my dominant characteristic is Abstract Random (AR). Then, I was given a packet of papers and websites that describe the style characteristics of AR. After reading, I realized that most of the traits written are true to who I am; the traits such as
- Living in the world of feelings, emotions, and imagination, where the heart and the “gut” feeling are followed more than the head
- Concentrating energies on relationships and forming attachments to people
- Disliking rules, regulations, and time
- Using hands and body naturally when communicating
- Living today to the fullest
One of the most interesting points I find in the paper is “Often two Abstract Randoms talk at one another, at the same time, and yet ‘know’ what the other is saying.” I did not believe that it was true, but then just seconds later, one of AR’s sitting beside me and I demonstrated the quote automatically.
After knowing my style personalities, I hope that this knowledge will help me to understand who I am, the decisions in my life, and the actions I make.
There are four types of personalities given; Concrete Sequential, Abstract Sequential, Abstract Random, and Concrete Random. After finishing the test, my scores were
- Concrete Sequential: 19
- Abstract Sequential: 25
- Abstract Random: 29
- Concrete Random: 27

My score shows that my dominant characteristic is Abstract Random (AR). Then, I was given a packet of papers and websites that describe the style characteristics of AR. After reading, I realized that most of the traits written are true to who I am; the traits such as
- Living in the world of feelings, emotions, and imagination, where the heart and the “gut” feeling are followed more than the head
- Concentrating energies on relationships and forming attachments to people
- Disliking rules, regulations, and time
- Using hands and body naturally when communicating
- Living today to the fullest
One of the most interesting points I find in the paper is “Often two Abstract Randoms talk at one another, at the same time, and yet ‘know’ what the other is saying.” I did not believe that it was true, but then just seconds later, one of AR’s sitting beside me and I demonstrated the quote automatically.
After knowing my style personalities, I hope that this knowledge will help me to understand who I am, the decisions in my life, and the actions I make.